036 | Weekly Update 😀

Chris Hutchings
3 min readApr 18, 2021


Hi everyone, a relatively short round-up for you this week.

Things have been busy and productive since last weeks report.

Apologies if it was a little sombre, that wasn’t the intention. I think it came across worse than it was.

I had a few concerned people get in touch but it’s all good, sometimes you have off weeks but the checking in was appreciated.

Invoices 🧾

Glad to have pushed out two invoices this week.

It’s a great feeling hitting send on those. It’s an even better one when the notification of an incoming payment from Starling pops up on my phone!

Big screen debut! 🎬

I was interviewed for a YouTube Video/Podcast by Sanjay Purswani of Ahead In Tech, my first ever one and hopefully the first of many.

I don’t mind telling you I was pretty nervous. I felt like I talked a lot. I hope his editing skills cut out a bit of the waffle.

I’ve got a shortlist of agents ready, just in case!

Not taking my own advice! 🙉

This behaviour is not new to me!

Having a tight focus and being niche is pretty standard guidance when starting a business.

When I started eOpinion I thought the Speedy Poll element was the niche bit but in hindsight I was wrong.

By trying to roll out Speedy Polls across many different areas (Digital PR, HR, Brand, CX and Product) I think I’ve neglected my core focus and spread myself too thin.

I was asked recently why I thought eOpinion would succeed. My marketing and creative background was a huge factor. Knowing what a marketing person wants to achieve by running a survey is key, and one of my big strengths.

While I have

Once the revenue increases and I can bring on people with similar levels of knowledge in their respective fields, then we can expand and use the Speedy Poll methodology there too.

Niche! Niche! Niche!

Weekly Wins 📈

You’ll be aware from previous updates that I am trying to roll out a #winoftheweek on social media. Twitter / Linkedin

Engagement had not been great up to this week.

And I had the biggest tumbleweed of them all this Friday.

A few likes but not one comment!

Oh well, we keep plugging away and blame the algorithms! 😉


Social Media 30 day challenge 📱

Yep, still no post outlining this, it’ll come!

I have to say, I’m really enjoying this so far.

Most of my focus has been on Twitter (Follow here!)

Although nothing is going viral or huge amounts of people following yet, I’m learning a lot and consuming some great content.

I’m also enjoying the process of engaging with people. Sounds weird I know, but there you go, another impact of lockdown I suppose.

#BuildInPublic 30 day challenge 🧱

In an attempt to up my ‘build in public’ game I’m starting a challenge this week.

I mentioned last week about the community I joined. The founder Kevon Cheung has put together a 30 day framework for us to follow. It’s very comprehensive and a great source of inspiration.

It looks very positive and I’ll update progress next week.

I’m looking forward to giving it a go.

Some interesting links 🔗

I thought I’d add in a couple of interesting things I have seen across the web this week.

The eOpinion Sunday 7️⃣! (Obviously!) — Click here.

The Creative World’s Bullshit Industrial Complex — Click here.

The strange things you can find beneath your carpet! — Click here.

Struggling for some business start-up inspo? Try this — Click here.

The End! ❌

I hope this post has been an interesting read, apologies again for missing last week. Please feel free to ask any questions or provide feedback. You can get in touch here or give me a follow on Twitter / Linkedin.

This post was originally published on chrishutchings.online



Chris Hutchings

‘Mostly’ documenting the journey/learnings of growing my company. #BuildInPublic. Further details can be found at https://chrishutchings.online